A Balloon’s Journey Over The Red Falls
The use of REBOA in exsanguinating trauma patients is recognized as a life-saving procedure. However, it is not exempt from possible complications. In this post, you can learn everything you need to know about its use.
The Fine Art of the Fakir
Over the last few years, new techniques have been developed to better manage actively bleeding trauma patients, even hemodynamically unstable. The EndoVascular resuscitation and Trauma Management concept aims to combine endovascular techniques and ATLS' and DSTC's principles to obtain faster bleeding control, thus minimizing blood loss.
Pelvic Trauma 101 (or How to Prevent Death by Snu-Snu)
Pelvic fracture is one of the main sources of hemorrhage in trauma patients. Their management should begin immediately at the scene to limit the blood loss and improve the patient’s outcome. Learn more about pelvic fractures, their classifications, and all the available treatments.