A Balloon’s Journey Over The Red Falls
The use of REBOA in exsanguinating trauma patients is recognized as a life-saving procedure. However, it is not exempt from possible complications. In this post, you can learn everything you need to know about its use.
The Tricky Question List
If the management of traumatic splenic injury is quite straightforward, the follow-up of those managed conservatively is tricky. In the literature, there are no clear indications on this topic, although it involves more and more a high percentage of patients. In this post, we will try to make things a little bit clearer.
Treating Cupid’s Wounds
Penetrating abdominal injuries are fearsome events, and they include various and extremely different features. Knowing how to manage them correctly is mandatory.
The Fine Art of the Fakir
Over the last few years, new techniques have been developed to better manage actively bleeding trauma patients, even hemodynamically unstable. The EndoVascular resuscitation and Trauma Management concept aims to combine endovascular techniques and ATLS' and DSTC's principles to obtain faster bleeding control, thus minimizing blood loss.
Newton and the Palm Tree: The Awful Coconut Law
Traumatic brain injuries are one of the most frequent results in blunt trauma... The knowledge of how to correctly manage patients with mild TBI is mandatory to avoid wasting resources without underestimating the severity of the injury...